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Donation of ICU beds and state-of-the-art medical equipment to the General Hospital «G. Gennimatas» by SEAJETS


The decision to donate the 12 fully equipped ICU beds was taken by the SEAJETS management in order to strengthen the preparedness of the Public Health, in emergency situations, we have experienced in the last two years, contributing to the saving of human lives. In particular, the new ICU beds are fully equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment. With this addition, the overall performance of the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit has been enhanced, significantly reducing the waiting time of patients for hospitalization and addressing the ever-increasing needs arising from the Covid-19 pandemic as well as addressing future patient needs.

Mr. Marios Iliopoulos, Head of Strategic Planning and Development of SEAJETS, noted: «From the first moment, SEAJETS has stood by the titanic struggle that the National Health Organization gave for all of us. We strengthened the GNA. G. Gennimatas with an additional 12 ICU beds as we believe that this donation is the minimum we can do for all those who are fighting every day, inpatients, doctors and nurses, to deal with the consequences of the pandemic. All together, united, we have been able to face the critical situation our country has experienced».

Mr. Eleftherios Boulias, Director of the G.N.A «G. Gennimatas» said «We sincerely thank SEAJETS for this important donation to our hospital. With the delivery of modern medical and technological equipment, we were able to directly support and effectively help our fellow individuals in need, especially since the pandemic crisis. His practical and essential support is a gift of life for many of our fellow individuals». Read the entire letter here.

With a high sense of responsibility, SEAJETS will continue to stand by society’s efforts and those in need with meaningful actions so that we can emerge from this ordeal and face the future again with optimism.