EuroChampion Jet – SEAJETS’ new impressive high-speed vessel has arrived at the port of Piraeus!
The latest member of SEAJETS’ s family, EuroChampion Jet, arrived in the port of Piraeus on Sunday 3 March, ready to be painted in its new colours in its new colors and to join the two flagships, WorldChampion Jet, the fastest high-speed vessel with Guinness record and Tera Jet, the largest high-speed vessel worldwide.

Santa Claus comes to SUPER STAR and gives out gifts from December 17th to 24th!!
Travel with him from 17 to 24 December, from & to Volos, Skiathos, Skopelos & Alonissos & choose your gift.

SEAJETS has received a particularly special honour as the ”Passenger Line of the Year” in the 15th “Lloyd's List Greek Shipping Awards 2018” held on Friday, December 07 2018

SEAJETS’ WORLDCHAMPION JET wins the “Ship of the year 2019” At the Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards 2019
The SEAJETS WorldChampion Jet high speed vessel has been honored as the "Ship of the Year" by the prestigious Lloyd's List Greek Shipping Awards 2019. This award is given for the first time in the history of the event to a high-speed passenger ship, recognizing the unique design, innovation and contribution of the ship in Greek shipping.

SEAJETS continues to give its support to those affected by the catastrophic wildfires
Seajets wishes to express their heartfelt condolences to the families of those who were tragically lost, and wish a speedy recovery to the injured.

SEAJETS 宣布,预订“AQUA BLUE”号快船的塞萨洛尼基-斯波拉泽斯群岛-基克拉泽斯群岛-伊拉克利翁 (Thessaloniki – Sporades – Cyclades – Heraklio) 航线的往返船票时,系统会自动为来回船票计算 30% 的折扣。

TERA JET 极致速度 – 极致价格
拉斐那 - 蒂诺斯 19 欧元起
拉斐那 - 安德罗斯 19 欧元起

SEAJETS 赞助 ERC 的顶级队伍
比雷埃夫斯,2017 年 5 月 30 日——距离 SEAJETS 雅典卫城拉力赛 (SEAJETS Acropolis Rally) 开幕只剩最后几个小时,一切皆已准备就绪。6 月 2 日至 6 月 4 日,来自希腊和国外的顶尖选手将齐聚这场全国性比赛……

2017 年 SEAJETS 卫城拉力赛倒计时开始了
比雷埃夫斯,2017 年 5 月 19 日——希腊顶级体育赛事即将开幕。SEAJETS 雅典卫城拉力赛 (SEAJETS ACROPOLIS RALLY) 是欧洲锦标赛的第 3 轮比赛,在 6 月 2 日至 6 月 4 日……

2016 年米科诺斯岛赛跑 – SEAJETS 提供的特殊优惠
Out Loud 将联合米科诺斯市政府,于 2016 年 9 月 17 日星期六共同举办 “Mykonos Run 2016” 公路赛。比赛的线路规划将穿越岛上重要的……